Athletics » Registration Forms for Athletics

Registration Forms for Athletics

Registering your Athlete

Register My Athlete allows parents to register their students for sports, and activities online


Please complete the following registration steps:

  1. Register yourself as a parent, and your student here.
  2. Read the Team Rules Document and e-sign. 
  3. Watch the Anti-hazing video and check the box stating you agree. 
  4. Read the Athletic Code of Conduct (also listed below) and check that you agree.
  5. Parent and Student both e-sign stating that you fully accept and agree to the terms of participation as outlined in the registration documents and corresponding questions.
  6. Download the Physical Form A documents for your students required annual medical examination and upload the document after completion.
  7. Download the Concussion Fact Sheet and upload the document after completion. 
  8. Download the Participant and Parent Insurance and Medical Disclosure. Upload the document after completion.
  9. Watch the Sportsmanship: It's Up to You video and upload the certificate.
  10. Watch the Understanding Vaping and E-cigarettes video and upload the certificate.  
  11. Pay the appropriate participation fee in the main office.